There NEEDS to be more weird experimental on twitch. Like I’m down for hour long arpeggio eurorack jams but… Has no one heard Merzbow, Einstürzende, Coil, or Lustmord and thought “damn. I could do that! I bet that would be cool to see streamed live on twitch”
Because… I have. And let me tell you… watching someone make WEIRD noises and experiment with vulnerability and abandon is FASCINATING to watch. I’d almost rather watch the creation of these kinds of things than listen to the recordings of said things.
Noise, drone and experimental are, and should always be, a visceral experience. It should fill space. Being able to see it made before you by someone treading flowstate in unconventional means is the BEST form of human magic.
At this point I struggle with releasing another ambient drone ep without the accompanying performance of the thing.

My twitch sessions are EXACTLY how I “write” music only in long form.
The packaged things are exactly that. I have WORKED on those things and driven myself crazy crafting them down to the very last filter sweep, pan and micro sound. ULTIMATELY controlled. What I do live… is NOT THAT. It is THE OPPOSITE of that. And always has been
I’m on the soapbox right now because I added a bunch of things to my twitch about page and it got me thinking. Also… there’s bourbon involved. 
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