I try to be the most wholesome person I can both online and in real life, and I’ve spent a long time trying to figure out what wholesome means to me. It’s not always being happy, it’s not saying “just think positively and it’ll work out!” I feel like I’m starting to grasp at the-
thing that’s eluded me my whole life. In my growing definition, to be wholesome is to be radically accepting. To understand that things are terrible and wonderful, to understand that everyone feels alone but no one is, and that those can both coexist. It’s about dialectics,-
understanding that contradictions can exist at the same time. Someone can have everything someone else lacks and still have happiness allude them. We’re all fumbling around in the dark trying to find some semblance of purpose and meaning, and that’s beautiful. We’re all-
on the same journey, and to be wholesome is to not impose one’s own journey on someone else, but to help them if they fall down on the way to their own understanding. There’s so much corruption in humanity, and it all comes from the aspects of life we all share. The craving-
for purpose, and the comfort of knowing. Our corruption comes from believing we have the true answer instead of knowing that we believe in one tiny facet of truth. To approach what we don’t understand with wide-eyes instead of dug in heels. To be wholesome, is to always be-
evolving. To always strive to be understanding, and never hold one’s own truth above the existence of others. It’s to remind people that only see the light of the darkness, and remind people that only see darkness of the light. Everything exists, everything’s happening,-
and to be wholesome is to let it all in. Feel the collective suffering of humanity, celebrate the beauty of connection, fight for those that face hardships and don’t expect anything in return. To be wholesome, is to live for the collective. I’m not sure if this is at all-
coherent, but they’re thoughts that I felt I needed to say. Stay wholesome, y’all ❤️
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