I know people I like. I like Tim Steiner of $OCDO. I like Jim Anderson of $LSCC. I like Anthony Wood of $ROKU. Colin Huang of $PDD so him leaving the CEO position and being a chairman is something that I'm a bit more afraid of than anything. $SE's Forrest Li. Peeps ask me do
I really know the companies I own. Look. I can't understand people who'd buy charts randomly and put hundreds of thousands of dollars dumping their money to companies they don't have any idea of just coz the chart broke out. I spend time studying my shit like nobody else.
Obviously Mark Zuckerberg of $FB. Tobi Lutke and how his snowboard dreams is now $SHOP enabling people to help their dreams in selling online. Heck even the Chinese people nobody dares to study ...damn you guys are wrong for doubting Robin Li of $BIDU. Awesome10x companies are
people-based. Founders. You cannot be in love with $ZM without even having a fascination with Eric Yuan. Or be an investor of $WORK and not respect Stewart Butterfield. Look.. if stocks to you are just charts. thats too bad..coz there's some really fine people out there.
i dont need an MBA. Jeff Bezos teaching everyone in $AMZN by simply reading the shareholder letters. Damn how could you not pay homage to the best ones. Study Reed Hastings of $NFLX. Never tell me you eat $BYND when you cannot even tell me the start of Ethan Brown
that aint fair to the founders, to the companies..people dont know this but a trader's eye just merely helps you find great companies..but its the fundamental lens that tells you the 10X-100X moves.
how many of us can do what Daniel Ek of $SPOT did. to devote his life. Hell.. how many of us can do what $ENPH did...20% market share of all residential microinverters. And those fuckers have the gall to say enphase is a fraud? sh*t. I bought the next day coz ENPH is amazing
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