As I sit here listening to the fireworks in my neighborhood, I’m trying to think of what that first night must have been like. It probably sounded a lot like this with the smell of gunpowder in the air. Heavy hearts now lifted. Colonies that were free of
rulers an ocean away.
I reminisce of my time in the military. The tears that rolled down my face when I knew I had graduated basic training. The flag now meant something different to me. The freedoms we have now meant something different to me. It’s a
feeling you can’t describe to anyone. I took my place among a small percentage of people that chose to defend the freedoms this country has. I took my oath freely.
Now, at this time in our history, I see my country tearing itself apart from a small group of
people that wish to destroy it.

This is Independence Day! The day that we declared that we would not be ruled by a tyrannical government. The day, 244 years ago, that we chose a free nation. Now is the time to choose our Constitution and the Bill of Rights!
Now is the time to set ourselves, once again, as a government of the people, by the people and for THE PEOPLE!


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