Unmasking: “Are we to live in perpetual fear?

Because that is ultimately what this is about. An unseen "threat" that could be anywhere, might strike anyone-like "terrorism"-only even more alarming because invisible and fundamentally something that cannot be defeated.
People are going to get sick-from this virus and other viruses. Some will die. Eventually, we will all die. But getting sick is part of life-and to destroy life over the irrational fear of sickness is..sick.

It means perpetually living in fear.

Who benefits from this?
This of course is false on the face of it as Fear Masking by people who aren't sick doesn't protect any human and in fact harms them greatly by creating the impression of ubiquitous sickness.
Seeing "sick" people everywhere fosters the false impression of danger everywhere. This creates mental sickness - a neurotic fear of getting sick.
Which makes people miserable as they cringe in fear of "germs" and "dirty" doorknobs and accepting of being treated like lepers. Or rather, leprous cattle.
Sickness Psychosis is sad enough when it afflicts a few people-e.g., the comedian Howie Mandel. But when an entire society is pressured to emulate the behavior and- inevitably-assume the bizarre routines and rituals of mentally ill people? How sad. How pathetic.
How dangerous.

One of the horrific consequences of Fear Mask acceptance if it is accepted-will be that normal/reasonable non-neurotic people will be first characterized as "uncaring" and, inevitably, as criminals.
Well-meaning (but unthinking) people do not understand this danger-despite the logic being very obvious.

If it is accepted that Fear Masking is "about protecting our fellow humans" then it is a threat to other humans to not wear one.
If so, that cannot be allowed-and violators must be punished. Or at least, sequestered and quarantined. Forced to submit to vaccinations.
The whole population must accept limitless diminution of their (former) liberties on the basis that they might be sick and could pose a "threat" to "their fellow humans."
There is no end to this, once the principle of presumption is accepted. This whole business is diabolically clever in the way it has weaponized fear, demoralized people, and turned so many of them into people who are not only desperate to signal their misplaced virtue...
... by bending the knee to arbitrary authority-but demand we all bend knee to it.
Solzhenitsyn wrote about this-warned about this-that most people won't do evil things unless they can be convinced that evil things are good things. As in, it's a good thing to deport the Kulaks.
It is also worth noting that the German Nazis regarded Jews and other enemies of the regime as a biological threat to the regime; as bacilli that had to be exterminated in the name of hygiene.
Of course, most people have never read Solzhenitsyn - and the only thing they know about Nazis is the cartoonish image of goose-stepping stormtroopers and that they were "racists."

They may soon get a refresher course in both.
It is critically important that Fear Masking be curb stomped-for reasons of mental hygiene. If this becomes the "new normal" Canada is over. It cannot be over-emphasized. The theater is designed to condition the populace to accept insanity-and tyranny.”
This is shared from a Facebook post from @EdwardIanKearns sharing from one of his friends. I thank them both. 🙏💜🕊
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