anyway here's a thread of my past equipment and what i made with them:
a mouse (2000-2008): when i was 10? i just drew stuff on ms paint on my mom's computer. my high school computer teacher saw me drawing in class after i finished his assignment and gave me a cd with photoshop in it. very stubborn kid didnt wanna use a tablet
my first tablet (2004-2015): i was didnt actually use this for the first 4 years because i was so insistent in using a mouse for my digital art. this kept breaking because constantly falling down the stairs but i kept salvaging it with masking tape. i also never replaced the nib
my present tablet (2015-2020): the tablet i bought after my first job. my stubborn self insisted on only using cheap tablets to be able to 'adapt' in bare minimums and less funds but this started acting up for the past year. made a lot of art. still dont know how to replace a nib
my new tablet (2020-) : i cant wait to make new stuff
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