elon musk hates chomsky because he called out how corporations suck off the state's teet, taking no risk and stealing tech developed by public funding, then make record profits, avoid taxes and underpay workers. thread on how tesla is a case study of what chomsky describes here
for elon musk to be what he claims, a real life tony stark brain genius, he has to have been a self-made man, not a product of a corrupt plutocratic society's military-industrial complex, which as chomsky notes functions like a welfare program for dull, talentless hacks like musk
so let's move to tesla. where does it gets it funding from? exactly as chomsky noted, the vast majority of it comes from the state, even the initial investment. when this was pointed out to elon musk he lost his shit and blocked the person who exposed his fake self-made man image
that exchange begins with a link to an article that's worth delving into. it details how elon musk is a pathetic grifter who sucks off the state's teet, intentionally using his fake image as a genius to scam the state out of billions in funding. he's the actual welfare queen
it gets worse. tesla wouldn't exist without scamming the state out of billions in funding, but you would hope they were running a profit, right? as chomsky said, the state invests in tech, takes the risk, but hey, at least the corporations made profits. not elon musk:
do you see why elon musk detests chomsky so much? why he can't stand the sight of him? he's been shitting on him for years while pretending he's a self-made man, a brain-genius who took the risks and succeeded through sheer will. he proves free markets work! but it's all a grift
elon musk is not a product of the survival of the fittest in a highly competitive market with a level playing field, where individual merit and talent is rewarded, as neoclassical mainstream economists claim in their pristine abstract models that have nothing to do with reality
he comes from a family of apartheid south-african emerald mine owners. his daddy gave him the millions he used to scam his way into silicon valley and pay PR firms to market himself as a genius while begging the state to fund his grift, as he keeps failing upward
in short, elon musk is the living embodiment of just how depraved and corrupt our society is, which chomsky had the gall to point out. and that is why musk can't stand him: because chomsky revealed the emperor, the real life tony stark galaxy-brain genius, to be naked
and see this piece for more on how elon musk exploits and abuses workers at tesla https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/18/tesla-workers-factory-conditions-elon-musk. some excerpts here:
new addition of chomsky destroying elon musk in this thread https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1287867248539918336
more on why elon musk is a scumbag in this thread https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1338607544063942656
and this one https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1339351532488290304
see also this thread for marx's insights into elon musk's grift https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1348920562391932935
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