1/ I've talked about "The Genderbread Person" in other threads and in my most recent @Quillette essay, but another frequently used teaching aid in public schools is "The Gender Unicorn." It is equally ridiculous.

2/ You'll remember that The Genderbread Person referred to "Biological Sex" in terms of "male-ness" & "female-ness" instead of "male" & "female", and incorrectly asserted that traits such as voice pitch and body hair can be used to determine where on the sex spectrum you reside.
3/ The Gender Unicorn doesn't mention biological sex, but instead "sex assigned at birth." This is misleading, as it suggests doctors are imposing a sex on individuals instead of simply observing and recording one's sex based on *extremely* accurate criteria.
4/ The reason they use "sex assigned at birth" instead of just "sex" is "because of the vagueness of the definition of sex and its place in transphobia."

Firstly, the definition of sex is not vague. It's based on primary sex organs (gonads).
5/ Secondly, they have no problem using the terms "woman" and "man" despite defining them in infinitely more vague and circular ways we commonly see such as "internal sense of being a man or woman."
6/ You cannot define terms in reference to themselves. Defining "woman" as some variant of "anyone who identifies as a woman" contains zero informational content.

If I told you that a nilblatt is "anything that identifies as a nilblatt" would that satisfy your curiosity? No.
7/ And thirdly, the definition of sex does not have "its place in transphobia." Rather, being transgender *requires* a clear understanding about biological sex and the occasional incongruity with how one feels in relation to it.

It is not transphobic to point out this fact.
8/ The Gender Unicorn also defines sexuality in terms of what "gender identity" someone is attracted to instead of one's sex or perceived sex. Therefore a relationship between a male and female could be considered a homosexual one if they both simply "identify" the same way.
9/ This totally erases the meaning of both hetero- and homosexuality, which is defined as being attracted to the opposite or same sex (or at the very least *perceived* sex), respectively.

Identities are cryptic brain states and cannot serve as the basis for physical attraction.
10/ Both The Gender Unicorn & The Genderbread Person are being used in public schools to indoctrinate children into radical gender ideology and confuse them about biological sex & sexuality.

If you see these being used in your child's classroom, you need to speak up and object.
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