
My mind is boggled.

On Independence Day, Joe Biden says that we suck, and if we just give him another chance, THIS TIME he'll actually accomplish something, unlike during his previous 40 years in government.
As Joe tells us we suck, so do the Democrats, their state-run media, and their Brownshirts.

The comments are beyond belief.
Let's see a show of hands:

Who wants to unite with @HKrassenstein?

Not me.

@realDonaldTrump has never "spewed hate."

Biden's puppet masters do nothing BUT spew hate.

And it's just WORDS.

Meaningless noise.
Not ONE politician ever won by telling us that we're garbage.

Jimmy Carter was defeated because he tried to get reelected on the "You're all horrible!" platform.

Biden is trying to shame people into voting for him.

The thing is, this whole race platform is racist.
The crazy thing is that it's racist against EVERYBODY.

Whites are genetically defective because they're born racist and can't change.

Blacks are genetically defective because they're born disabled and unable to change.

Asians are genetically defective because they don't exist.
And every non-Europoidal ethnicity is genetically defective because it can't compete with the defective whites.

Who the hell is left?

White and black leftists are calling THEMSELVES genetically defective.

We're reintroducing APARTHEID!
The Democrats are whittling away at their own base and building up Trump's.

There's never been a more insane political strategy.

Leftists project all their pathology onto everyone else.

Celebrating America doesn't mean we're saying that we have no problems.
Do parents refuse to celebrate their kids' birthdays unless the kids are perfect?

"Johnny, I'd love to give you presents and a cake, but you don't know how to drive a car yet, so forget it. YOU'VE FAILED!"

"But Mommy, I'm only eight."

This country has been improving steadily, despite our national youth.

Colorado fully enfranchised women in 1893.

We didn't have universal suffrage until 1920 because the language in Constitution is vague.

Guess when Switzerland fully enfranchised women?

In 1977.
Who bitches about Switzerland?


Elections can be pretty negative, but this is the first election in our history in which one of the two major parties insults the entire population on every level.
The Democrats are saying that we need to vote for them so that they can micromanage our lives down to our very thoughts.

Let me tell you about the most insane conversation I ever had.

I once wrote something about a former "true love of mine," who actually WASN'T.
She's married with two kids. Married her psychiatrist, which is actually the most unethical thing a psychiatrist can do, but he has tons of money.

I could provide the life she wanted, she said, so I got the boot.

We didn't speak for 20 years.
Then she contacted me because our cat had died at the age of 23.

A really great cat.

I wrote a poem about the cat, and my ex said it was almost unbearable.


I thought she was happy.
So I wrote about her, and she got to okay everything.

She was completely anonymous, but she insisted that I take out everything about her alcoholism.

I did, even thought it pretty much nullified the entire point I was trying to make. WE WERE BOTH DRUNKS.
She started sending my photos of what she looked like.

In one, she sat on her unmade marriage bed, looking like a corpse.

A dead woman who had died of misery.

Her life is a nightmare.

NOW the crazy part:
After everything was finished, she withdrew her permission for me to write about her.

As God is my witness, this is what she said:
"You can't publish something in which you admit to having the wrong idea about me. It's ME you're thinking about, and you can't think about me without my permission. Unless I tell you what to think about me, you're not allowed to think about me."
(She's become a giant leftists, of course.)

I was honestly gobsmacked.

"So in your own house, you don't think about your husband unless he gives you permission?" I asked.

"But what gives you the right to tell other people what to think?"

"Because your thoughts are about ME. I get to determine what people think about me. You can't think about me unless I allow it."
I've never had a more deranged conversation. She got all revved up and threatened to complain to my publisher.

Her husband is very famous.

So I sent her scans of all the naked photos I took of her and said, "How about if I just give these to TMZ?"
That made her shut her insane piehole.

But it gave me an insight into leftist thinking.

Biden's puppet masters believe in all honesty that they have the right to tell us what to think and what not to think. This comes from leftism becoming a cult.
The endless apologies are central to cults.

What they do is have "struggle sessions" in which they tell you that you're not a loyal member, and everyone turns against you, tearing you down and threatening to excommunicate you. So you grovel for forgiveness.
Note that the cookie-cutter apologies always include promises to "reflect," "learn," and "do better."

My brother's "social-therapy" cult recruited him with sex.

In our family, the subject was taboo. I learned about it when I lived in the Netherlands.
They had entire coffee-table books of hardcore adult photos. My hair stood on end. I was 13.

But I never lost my mind in college, the way my cult-brother did.
Luckily I missed this (because I refused to come home for vacations), but he brought home hairy, smelly cult-girls and had screaming nocturnal encounters with them in his bedroom.

"I am not bound by our parents' 1950s morality," he said.
All my siblings did the same thing.

It's one of the reasons I never went home for vacations.

Here's home my sister announced that she was going to get married:

She brought home a silent goon and sat us all on the front porch. Then she gave my mother a present.
My mother opened the package.

It was a coffee mug that said, "CONGRATULATIONS, GRANDMA!"

My sister shouted, "Guess what, Momma! The rabbit died!"

She was pregnant.

We'd never met the cringing, silent goon.
I attended three catastrophic sibling-weddings.

They were all performance art.

Everyone got married because they were competing with each other and everyone else.

I could never understand any of it.

My cult-brother is a vegan. His wedding cake tasted like mud.
He invited the worst passel of freaks I'd ever met.


At the weddings and receptions that my parents paid for.
My Vegas brother now has a hair-trigger temper.

He believes in forceful pushback regardless of the consequences.

This is a bad time for him, because he wants to have screaming arguments with every political nutter who talks to him in nutter-speak.
I'm sitting here jerking constantly from the endless string of massive explosions up and down my street.


Last night was the worst ever. Earmuffs didn't work because the windows kept turning white with what looked like lightning flashes.
So I had to take off the earmuffs in order to know when to go outside and put out the fires with the hose.

But confrontation is not only futile, it won't accomplish anything.


The insane think they're the majority. It's a kind of bizarre reverse paranoia.
The closer we get to the election, the more people are cracking up.

I'm just laughing.

Losing my mind would render all of Trump's efforts futile.

Besides, all this here folderol is NOTHING.

"Vote for me because you're a pig!"
That's a big negative, Joe.

I'm not any kind of "-ist" except a leftistist.

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

Happy Birthday, USA!

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