I have avoided just about everything Hamilton for years because I couldn’t afford to see it and wasn’t lucky enough to win the lotteries. I haven’t heard a single song and basically only know that this is @Lin_Manuel’s baby.

Today is finally my time. #Hamilfilm
Where’d they find all these fine brothas tho 👀 #Hamilfilm
Flipping through Lafayette’s letters after this to see if he dropped any hair care tips
Are the main men each emulating different rappers? Feel I definitely heard cadences associates with Kanye, Jay Z, etc. If so thats fucking brilliant. #Hamilfilm
We’re still working on women being worked into the sequel, Angelica #Hamilfilm
Burr is an All Lives Matter typa bitch #Hamilfilm
Why does King George remind me of @mattcorridoni (who of course, can kill me for my love) 🥴😂 #Hamilfilm
Why do we have the Kardashians when there’s Angelica and Eliza #Hamilfilm
Standard guidance from @Lis_Smith whenever a bad faith attack was brewing on the bird app #Hamilfilm
Just want to generally give props to the research team. I’m not a history buff but I just trust that everything’s right. #Hamilfilm
Who invented the expertly-executed dramatic entrance, Thomas Jefferson or @TheStefanSmith? Up for debate. #Hamilfilm
Feels like a good time to bump that there’s not a rule banning congressional hearing by rap battle #Hamilfilm
Whew I know the Signal chat between Burr, Hamilton, and Jefferson was LIT. Related: always keep your receipts #Hamilfilm
Entire Reynolds Pamphlet is a huge flex tbh. Hamilton saw the “be everywhere” strategy and raised with a self-scoop to control the narrative. 10/10 #Hamilfilm
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