If you saw a press release that said ‘oh of course we will be providing mental health and drug support’ and you’re like oh it’s all sorted.... you are being wilfully obtuse miss me with that
if you have a drug addiction the offering of AOD support means get clean right now under police guard in an overcrowded premises, it does not mean support to make decisions which is essential in getting clean. Cops arent gonna be running down to get on for people
If you have a mental health issue and mental health support is offered how are you speaking to this person ensuring your privacy while not being able to leave your home and being surrounded by family members?
how do you reach out for DV support when you are literally locked in with your abuser? A cop outside the door is not a comfort it is a trap for many of these women who refuse to engage with police for a number of reasons
While there is little available data in vic let me tell you as someone that has lived in multiple housing properties, many do not meet basic living standards (NSW 1/5 dont). Imagine being forced to stay inside your mould filled flat 24/7 under police guard with a newborn
If you are disabled and rely on a carer, will they just be waiting for a carer that never comes? Will they be forced to let someone they dont know into their home to do the most intimate of tasks?
are pets supposed to just defecate inside flats?
what about if you have outstanding warrants? 500 cops in your building who are you going to reach out to for help? Are you going to get arrested either way?
What is the parent of an autistic child who will only eat one thing supposed to do? If they tell the authorities that and request this food, will they then report them to facs for neglect? Because I've seen that happen
What about families that do not own a washing machine? How are they getting their clothes clean and dried without going to the laundromat?
How will people have access to their own medical professionals? Having access to govt medical support is not at all the same thing nor is it safe for a lot of these people. Poor and Blak and brown people are often disrespected by medical staff and it takes ages to build up trust
The questions I have are endless & probably not going to be answered. 'Authorities can grant permission for leave' doesnt mean they will. It doesnt mean they will take a person centred approach that takes into account the importance of many of these competing needs for these ppl
Requesting leave from authorities involves speaking the language, using the jargon, requesting/begging people with power over you for your needs while under police guard, being punished for something you didnt do. Dont reckon most of you could handle that
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