Grossed out by what you’ve been hearing about Wizards? Want to stop playing D&D but you’re in the middle of a game? Here’s how to quickly translate your D&D character into Fate Accelerated Edition.
1 - pick up the FAE book 
2) Pick relevant approaches, high concept and trouble, these should not be a problem, since you probably already know what your character’s good at and what their issues are.
3a RaCe..? Obviously a point of contention, so let’s call it “Species & Culture”. As an aspect write down your character’s connection to their culture IE “Proud Member of Clan Stonenoggin” or “Exiled from the Fey Courts of Thyur”.
3b Species/Cultural Stunt:. Pick your favorite racial spell/ability/bonus. And plug it into the following formula [NAME]: +2 to [Approach-ly] overcome an obstacle when [relevant condition is met].
Example 1: STONEFOLK: +2 to Carefully overcome an obstacle that involves stonework or when knowledge of stone, masonry or geology would be relevant.
Example 2: FORESTTREK: +2 to Sneakily overcome an obstacle that can be overcome by stealth or is being guarded/observed; but only if you are in an environment with natural cover such as forests, swamps or botanical gardens.
4a Class: Come up with a statement about your character’s relationship with their class, such as “As a fighter I’m always looking for a fight” or “Get away from me, I’m casting”. Write it down as an aspect.
4b Class Stunt: Look at your class and determine if it prioritizes attack or defense, then plug it into the following formula [NAME]: +2 to [Approach-ly] [attack/defend] unless [relevant condition is met].
Example 1: SHIELDMASTER FIGHTER: +2 to Forcefully Defend unless three or more enemies are in the same area as you.

Example 2: PYROCLASTIC MAGE: +2 to Flashily (is that a word?) Attack unless the target is fire aspected or a dragon.
5a Gear - Pick your favorite piece of gear, recall how your character got it and make an aspect based on the experience, such as “Dragon Hoard Raider” or “Favor of the Green Lady”.
5b Gear Stunt: fill in the following formula [GEAR NAME]: Once per encounter, in addition to taking an action you may roll to [Approach-ly] put an advantage on yourself such as [examples.]
Example 1 - SWORD OF FROST: Once per encounter, in addition to taking an action you may roll to Forcefully put an advantage on yourself such as “Blade of Searing Ice” or “Deadly Frost”.
Example 2 - BOOTS OF SNEAKYKIND: Once per encounter, in addition to taking an action you may roll to Sneakily put an advantage on yourself such as “Practically Invisible” or “Quiet as the Strix”.
6a The Personal Touch: Finally, create an aspect based on your party’s previous adventures or the relationship your character has with them, ask your party members for their input. Examples: “Allegedly Slept Through A Displacer Beast Attack” or “Underappreciated Healer”.
6b Personal Stunt: Make up a stunt based on your character’s personality, their signature spell, or some class feature that was not properly expressed by previous stunts. Bonus points if it doesn’t reference approaches at all.
Example 1: SUDDEN MOUSE SHAPE - Once per session ignore an attack completely. Declare this before the opponent rolls.

Example 2: CURE SIGNIFICANT WELTS - Once per encounter when an ally would fill their 2 stress box they do not fill it instead.
Example 3: DARK PATRON’S LUCK - Once per session you can change the result of a single die you rolled to any other result.

Example 4: FFFFLUUUURRRRYYYY: Once per encounter you may add an additional target to an attack, you must decide this before you roll.
NOTE: I strongly recommend that you tie only 1 stunt to your +3 Approach & others to each of your +2s (with your personal stunt not referencing Approaches). This is something you have to agree to as a group, if only 1 person reduces effectiveness like this, they’ll lag behind.
The reason is that players naturally try to gear things toward their highest stat, creating an all-or-nothing proposition for each roll “Can this be done in a flashy way? Ok, never mind, I’m not doing it”. By spreading out your stunts you give yourself more feel-good options.
But that’s it. Your character’s done! Fill in your character sheet and you’re ready to go!

GMs, meet me in the tweet below.
Transforming your campaign to a FAE game may seem daunting, but it’s actually going to reduce the work you do significantly...
The hardest thing will be calibrating the bonuses enemies get and other difficulties, so I suggest that you take the players through some dream sequences, training montages or similar low-stakes encounters to gauge where you need the numbers to be.
Traps need overcome actions, same thing with chasms or similar obstacles. I’d tell you to be ready for the players to blow past them, but if your run D&D you know that PCs always find niche spells/abilities to circumvent things.
And that’s another good thing about FAE with its focus on narrative, it’s actually harder to circumvent major plot points because hopefully you’re shaping the narrative toward them.
Is this going to be perfect? No, it’ll take you a bit to get used to, but trust me you’ll master this system in .333 the time it took you to master 5e or whatever you were playing.

And then read this thread.
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