It goes without saying that there are far, far worse consequences of lockdown, but here is a thread of tiny night out moments I miss so so so much
When your mates are already out and you have to neck a can in the shower to catch up

Apologising to the taxi driver on the way there because your friend brought a drink in the car

Surprising your pal with an unwanted shot because you needed to hit the card limit
Seeing a smudged club stamp on your hand the day after

Running from the toilets when you hear a tune in the other room

"If you pay for the taxi I'll get your first drink in"

Seeing through time and space at posties

Debating ring of fire rules at pres
The anticipation at the cash machine just before going into the club

Asking the taxi driver if it's "been a busy one" on the way home

The state of your shoes matching the state of you when you get home

Dropping shrapnel into the wet part of the bar mat and having to pick it up
The first bite of a cheesy chip that's too hot

Promising your pal, for the fifth time that night, that the first thing you'll do the next morning will be book a holiday abroad together (you won't)

Moving to the kitchen for Serious Chats™️
The harrowing realisation that none of the toilet taps work


Giving yourself a cheeky wink in the toilets and realising how pissed you are

Rehearsing exactly where you've been in anticipation of the casino bouncers asking "had much tonight, son?"
Stepping around the one toilet that's overflowing with shit and/or piss

A stranger saying "good night, mate?" while you're both doing a wee

The shit jokes on the first round of Pub Quiz Machines

When someone buys crisps for the table
Drinking a can of Red Stripe on the dancefloor even though you don't like Red Stripe and it costs 5.20

The DJ confirming your song is "on next" (it's not)

The Grease Mega Mix
You can follow @Joshbroown.
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