I wonder how many liberals have a visceral hatred/reaction to Trump due to seeing pieces of themselves in him? It’s why removing him is more important than removing the systems that brought us Trump. Never forget, until he ran in 2015, he was a Dem and had deep ties to that party
I’ve been thinking about this ever since “the resistance” became a thing. How hard they push “anyone but Trump!” Anyone tho? That “anyone” may be hella harmful to the communities you claim to be allies for. Also, Trump’s children grew up with the Clintons. They’re legit friends
Cory Booker and Kamala Harris. They’ve been in deep NY liberal circles for yeara. I’m supposed to believe they never noticed hus racism, misogyny, and xenophobic ways until now? Come back on nah. I don’t believe that. Trump is them mask off, & now they gotta deal with themselves.
No one likes dealing with their own internal mess. So “getting rid of Trump” first, allows them to slip the mask back on. Because now more people are actually LOOKING at the dem party, the republican party and noticing similarities and how both paries are failing us all.
Is one worse than the other? Absolutely. That doesn’t stop the fact that liberalism has failed. It’s failed the majorty of American’s. Our Dem run cities have clear racism and policing problem and Trump being president has exposed that. It’s exposing people and that’s good.
Because once we expose the rot, we can start fixing the problem. Liberalism is a failure and republicans being nationalist, fascist doesn’t negate that failure. “Less harm” is still harm and we can do better. We can heal and build anew. Something where we all thrive.
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