This is the most cringe thing I have seen today
They're so openly communist and unironically satanist - it is just sad - i am thinking about making a thread here of screenshot every time i come across such a mad account
Part /1 Carnations, Hammer&Sickle, Anarchist Flags&Symbols, No God, 'Freedom' - their understanding of freedom and liberty is distorted
Part /2 Marxism-Homosexuality, AntiFascist Flags within Star of David surrounded by Flames, The all seeing Eye within another Star of David, Jewish Revolutionaries, 'Artists', Criminals, and 'Free Lovers' (Pedophiles, Rapists)
Part /3 Marxist-Lesbianist (Homosexuals), Proud Misandrist (Hatred of Men), Hammer&Sickle, 'Grown in a Lab'
Part /4 Marxist-Leninist, Anime Lovers, Gender Pronouns, Hammer&Sickle, Not Open to Debate, Anti-White, Anti-Science
Part /5 Marxist-Lesbians, Homosexuality, Anarchy, Communist, Carnation Symbolism, Hanner&Sickle, ACAB, "When our time Comes we will make no excuses for the terror", "I like guns" ?

These two are related - Lesbian couple
Part /6 Communist, Hammer&Sickle, Carnation Symbolism, ACAB, Lesbian/Homosexuality (Always connected to communism)
Part /7 Marxist-Leninist, Marxist-Trotskyist (Lev Bronstein-Mass Murderer), Militant Journalist, Gender Pronouns (Homosexual), Hammer&Sickle, BLM, "SA Survivor"
Part /8 Marxist-Leninist, 'Gay AF' (Homosexual), Hammer&Sickle, Xenophile (lover of foreigners), Anti-Racist (Anti-White), BLM, Carnation Symbolism, Anarchist Black Flag, LGBT Flag
Part /9 Marxist-Leninist, Communist, Hammer&Sickle, Anarchist, Bi-Sexual, LGBT Flag, Gender Pronouns (Homosexuality), Simping for Communist Authoritarian Regimes while supporting Anarchism. Mr Comrade is right about voting tho.
Part 10/ Marxist-Leninist, Maoist, AntiFa, Anti-Taiwan, Anti-HongKong, Self Described Radical Left, Gender Pronouns (Homosexual), Hammer&Sickle, Praise for Chinese CCP

The one is 15 year old indoctrinated by his teachers no doubt.
Part 11/ Left: Communist, Satanist, Agnostic, Kill Cops, Transgender (Homosexual), Misotheism is the "hatred of God"....

Right: Hamer&Sickle, BLM, Abolish Police, Kill the Rich.
Part 12/ Left: Marxist Leninists, Tankie for CCP, Pronouns (Homosexual, Self Hating about being White British Male, Supports BLM

Right: Hammer&Sickle, Misandrist (Hater of Men), ACAB (Hater of Cops), Prounouns and Dyke (Homosexual)
Part 13/ The student and the teacher... Left: University Professor, Anti-Racist (Anti-White), LGBT Flag, and dual Femininity- the absence of men

Right: Zoomer (Young teenager), Marxist-Leninist, Pronouns, LGBT Flags, Hammer&Sickle (Look what the Marxist professor do to our kids)
Part 14/ Left: Marxist-Leninist, Maoist, Communism, Hammer&Sickle, Non-Binary (Homosexual, "Fuck USA", Satantist, 'African Revolutionary, African Nationalist, Dual femininity.

Right: Revolutionary Leftism, Hammer&Sickle, Vegan (Homosexual-Profile picture, harts...)
Part 15/ Left: Communist, Carnation Symbolism, LGBT Flag, Queer Leftist (Homosexual), ACAB (Hates Police)

Right: Communist, Hammer&Sickle, Carnation Symbolism, Gender Pronounds (Homosexual)

Left: Marxist-Leninist, Hammer&Sickle Trans and Lesbian? (Homosexual)

Right: Marxist-Leninist, Transsexual, Pronouns, LGBT Flag, BLM Fist
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