Question - Why can’t you debate woke people?

As most of you know its really hard to find common ground with most of your woke friends. Most interactions end with them getting offended, rolling their eyes and making you out to be the problem.

Unfortunately, they are the problem
To understand this phenomenon, you need to understand what their ideology is rooted in.

Whether its critical race theory or post-modernism, both are rooted in neo-marxist philosophy

The goal of these is a rejection of the status quo. Present system bad - needs to be torn down
What does this philosophy want to tear down?

Basically the Enlightenment

In the 1700s, white men discovered that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy

This led to certain principles
Enlightenment Principles:
-individual liberty
-freedom of expression and thought
-inalienable rights
-scientific method
-religious tolerance

Do these sound familiar? They should because this is how modern western civilization was founded
Where did this start? With the Declaration of Independence and the formation of the USA.

These enlightenment principles are ingrained in the fiber of what is America.

This is what stands at the basis of modern Western civilization, not racism.
So how do we factor in the problem of slavery/racism?

Our founding fathers created a system which was just,but hypocritical because it did not apply to blacks

A civil war was fought, a civil rights movement emerged, ultimately we did everything possible to legislate away racism
That enough? Nope, the vestiges of slavery/racism put the black community behind the 8 ball

On the other hand, civil rights movement took a turn after death of MLK

Critical race theory emerged with Prof Derrick Bell

Marxist critical theory applied to race = racism everywhere
The system is fundamentally broken and racism is everywhere. You can’t reform the system, you can only replace it
What emerged? A different way of interpreting American history by some Academic scholars

Meanwhile, post modernism emerged.This philosophy rejects everything. Nothing is sacred, anything can be reinterpreted

This means that the founding (enlightenment) principles are fair game
These philosophical movements were ignored for a long time, but academics emboldened by limited push back started pushing these ideologies

Young people are largely empathetic and progressive, they want to change the world...they bought in

Afterall, black people are still poor
Now we come full circle to where we are today

Based on a marxist ideology, we have now reimagined the US as an evil, racist place

We see black poverty as an indictment of the system

We see police brutality as white officers killing blacks

We see systemic racism
The system must be broken! We must be a terrible society to let his happen.

The enlightenment must be a horrible/evil thing

We must tear it down and start again!
Except that’s wrong, and here we get back to the original question. Why can’t you properly debate your woke friend?

At the base of this woke movement is a devious slight of hand which most people don’t realize or see

Wokes use subjective logic vs objective logic
What the difference?

Objective logic requires the full use of reason. Issues require a multivariate analysis to understand why things are a certain way.

Subjective reason only needs a single variate analysis. Your experience or one incident is enough to define everything.
Your woke friends will never go beyond the first layer of analysis on any of their points of view because there is nothing below that. That’s why they they will shut you down before any real discussion occurs. Its why they will cancel you if you try to dissent. Its a cynical game
The problem is they don’t realize what they are doing. The marxist ideology is brilliant from this point of view. Wokes are so sure of their ideological supremacy that there is no room for debate. If you disagree you must be evil or a part of the problem
Without debate, u are unable to prove the dangers of their ideology

This is why you can’t have a conversation with your ”Woke” friends

Sounds silly, I know. But these people, are increasingly our journalists, HR directors, etc

You can’t ignore them because they will come for u
The question is, are you willing to abandon the founding principles that America was built on? This is what is at stake

So long as people don’t understand this, and prefer to cower in their corner so they they are left alone, their agenda will continue
Individually we are powerless

I hope that somebody, has the strength& courage, to understand what’s happening and organize a counter narrative

This is not a question of left vs right. Its about whether we still believe in America and what it means
Thank you for reading this far

I hope I’ve been able to explain the current situation

Sorry its so long

Happy 4th of July to everybody!
Telling, people will read, even like but won’t RT

I get it
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