Today is a tough day.

4th of July used to be my favorite holiday.

Many are choosing not to celebrate, and for all the right reasons. I stand with them. There is little to celebrate about the establishment of my nation.

But I'm still going to celebrate, here's why:

I am not a nationalist, but a patriot: I believe a spirit pervades America that is greater than the sum of the oppressors that have always been in power.

America has NEVER been the greatest country on Earth. It's been hundreds of years of severe growing pains.

As we dive deeper in history, the number of figures we can appropriately celebrate DWINDLES. Washington "owned" people. Evidence suggests Lincoln was a white supremacist. Practically the planet was systemically homophobic until the last 40 or so years; and still, mostly, is.

FDR, one of my biggest inspirations, at best stood by while the government developed the atom bomb and interned countless Japanese-Americans.

But I still think our history is worth celebrating.

Because Americans repeatedly looked into the face of evil and said, "No. More."

The "founders" of our nation, despite their horrible, unforgivable flaws, believed in the power of change. This same belief, *I* believe, was the driving force in the hearts of abolishionists, women's suffrage protestors, the Civil Rights Mvmt.,

the fight against Fascism (which continues today) and in the BLM mvmt.

True patriotism, to me, often means kneeling in the face of the flag instead of saluting it. It's those who have the courage to kneel and fight for change that I celebrate today.

I celebrate not necessarily the America I live in today, but the America my children and grandchildren will live in that will be better than what exists now, because of the people like you and I fighting for change from the bottom on up, like it always has to be.

If you're choosing not to celebrate today, I stand with you. My only hope is that you've heard what I've said and respect what I am celebrating.

The fight for progress continues

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