#COVID19 hit while I was balancing ER shifts and getting my own #startup off the ground. The innovation world and health care don’t often mix well, but I was able to build an approach I call “The Startup Approach to a Pandemic”

Thanks to @MacEmerg for hosting this interview.
ER is probably the most startup friendly of all the medical specialties, we’re all a bit crazy, get impatient with bad systems and constantly snipe at administrators and dream about changing things one day. https://twitter.com/MacEmerg/status/1279483536278540289
Medicine is very conservative and is highly resistant to change. Covid presented a new challenge to the system and largely it was mavericks who pushed the envelope on new therapies (i.e. anti coagulation, steroids) that are now starting to bear fruit. https://twitter.com/KashPrime/status/1247333141095878662?s=20
This is the framework I came up with, gleaned from lessons at @ycombinator's excellent @startupschool and from great communities like @IndieHackers and #HackathonHackers. 'I call it 'I step' to a solution:
Leadership principles are slightly different for a medical cause vs a startup, namely that the mission should always comes first - stay humble, avoid self promotion, avoid the cult of the founder that’s often promoted in media. This kind of work won’t make you a billionaire.
Find and build a team of selfless people with the same motivations. If someone else or another team is doing a better job, share what you have, join their team and work together. Thanks to @sulemaan and team for showing me the right way to lead something like this.
Back to IISTEP: 'Identify' a problem that needs a solution; this is harder than you think... I spent a year trying to build something nobody wanted. No idea works without testing if there’s a need for it. This involves user testing and finding the elusive 'product market fit'
Invite: Find a cofounder/team, Make it an open source, use an open collaboration model, get organized - use modern tools like Slack, Google drive, Zoom, Take notes.
Companies like @SlackHQ gave free access, @shopify donated volunteers to many causes. https://slack.com/intl/en-ca/resources/using-slack/covid-help
SprinT to a Solution: quickly build your solution, whether it is an app, a design concept, or a service. Get it out there to test and get feedback.

Evaluate: collect metrics and survey users. Keep improving what you're offering
Pivot: more often than not, you'll be completely wrong about some of your basic assumptions. Quickly discover why and pivot to a new idea and keep working.

Here are some case studies on how this works in practice:
With #Masks4Canada we pushed for mandatory masking in indoor spaces. We were able to get an open letter signed by 1500 health professionals and have convinced several key governments to act @AmyTanMD @jkwan_md @https://www.blogto.com/city/2020/06/face-masks-mandatory-in-ontario/
For contact tracing, our team was able to study the issue and design a workflow that we presented to the Ontario and Federal governments. Elements were used in the upcoming government app, and we remain in contact to provide advice to both governments
With @FrontlineConnex we were able to connect patients to their families at a time when it was too risky for in-person visits, using tablets donated by donors and industry. @greenwaldEM @HumairaFSaeed https://twitter.com/HospiceGT/status/1263861521358163969?s=20
With @MedsCritical we are actively working to secure Canada's drug supply and make sure we have enough medication to treat Covid19 patients
@amanchatha @rebeccayu https://twitter.com/KashPrime/status/1278490978832261121?s=20
With modern tools, making a difference is easier than ever, but you need to be organized and determined to see the job done.

In a crisis, you can never assume the people in charge have everything handled.. and chances are they'll need your help more than anything!
You can follow @KashPrime.
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