
Varela is accused of accepting campaign donations as bribes from the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht during the time period when he was VP and then President.

It is one of the largest corruption scandals in world history, and still growing. https://www.icij.org/investigations/bribery-division/

Why is Panama so important?

It is in the middle of all the action. The Panama Canal, one of the world's great engineering marvels, connects the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Also, it is in Central America - the land bridge between North & South America.

[Plus, it borders 🇨🇴]


"Kellner said Noriega received payoffs from cartel leaders *Escobar* & Jorge Ochoa Vasquez to protect cocaine shipments flown from Medellin, Colombia, through Panama to the United States."

Prosecutor Says Noriega Sold Panama to Drug Traffickers https://apnews.com/0c284a25a466a882bb5f0b9ee8ee0ba4

"Trump and Martinelli’s mutual affection seems to be partly based on their status as wealthy men with political ambitions who appear to be unmoved by concerns over conflicts of interest."

Trump’s Panama Problem https://www.fastcompany.com/3067820/trumps-panama-problem?cid=search

June 2017

"Martinelli has denied any wrongdoing & said on Twitter last month that his successor, Varela, was going after him to divert attention from his own problems."

Panama ex-president, accused of political espionage, arrested in Florida http://reut.rs/2rkQnlY 

"Martinelli [was] accused of allegedly abusing the Pegasus system [from 🇮🇱-based NSO group] while he was president, as well as the disappearance of the spy equipment after he left office."

Growing scandal in Latin America over spy-hacking program http://uni.vi/Xc1F100IbVm 

"The list of targets also included the two Americans, political strategist Christian Ferry, and retired U.S. Army colonel Richard Downie , as well as staff at the U.S. embassy."

Panama's ex-president wiretapped Americans, according to court documents http://uni.vi/Zx2U100Ioo6 

"One of the most prominent cases involves [Martinelli], who was allowed to enter the US just days after his country’s Supreme Court opened an investigation into charges that he had helped embezzle $45 million from a government school lunch program." https://www.propublica.org/article/corrupt-foreign-officials-find-refuge-in-united-states

"The former U of Arkansas, Fayetteville int'l student is the school's 1st graduate to become a head of state, & his ties to UA increased w/ his profile after being elected Panama's leader in 2009."

Panama's ex-leader faces graft case, retains UA ties https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2017/jun/04/panama-s-ex-leader-faces-graft-case-ret/

"The Trump name shows up on 3,540 of those leaked documents, many shedding light on what has become a business model. Some of his associates and business partners are also in the files."

What Panama Papers say - and don’t say - about Trump https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article74789322.html
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