this is a mini thread that probably won’t translate well in tweets so i apologize in advance for the verbage but it’s been a thing on my mind these past few days and i think it should be addressed.
i understand if twitter (or social media in general) is hard on your mental health. self-care is SO important. but if your reasoning behind deactivating is that you can’t handle all the “outrage” on this platform and you’re white...maybe you should reflect on your privilege.
maybe you do need to distance yourself or maybe you can express your views better on a different platform but it IS a privilege to be white & to have a big following on any platform and just...deactivate it because you’re exhausted and your words keep getting misconstrued. something that happens to minorities (specifically BIPOC)...regularly...especially on the bird app...hmm
twitter has its flaws and i recognize it IS a toxic platform. but at this moment in history it’s one of the most powerful platforms! so much information has been shared on here! and so many PEOPLE are on here!! to discount it bc people are angry is just...not great
especially bc so many BIPOC deal with that anger and outrage on twitter directed at them and yet they STILL persist! they keep posting and sharing and doing the work even when people are unjustly upset with them!
obviously i understand the people who choose to distance themselves from twitter. if i could i probably would too, but it seems like bad reasoning to discount an entire platform because people are angry or because you struggle with putting all your views in like 240 characters
besides, this app is more than just posting your own tweets. arguably the best part about this app is RETWEETING! sharing other peoples’ words!! like minority voices who are doing so much work with so little pay off!!
at the end of the day, you do you. if your activism is offline (and it should be) and you decide to step away from socials, TAKE CARE OF YOU. but if you’re white be aware of your privilege. be aware that a lot of people NEED these apps. they’re saving lives.
You can follow @jennaclarek.
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