Trump is giving thanks to our responders and their work, but the speech is about celebrating our nation's storied history, not about COVID.
Uh, yes. Yes there is a movement to destroy American monuments such as Mount Rushmore. Prior to the speech, activists called it white supremacist to speak there.
Because there *is* a movement to tear down and destroy statues of American heroes and monuments. They've desecrated Grant, Washington, and Jefferson.
How does destroying American monuments help police reform, @CillizzaCNN? How? Either the vandals don't know what they're doing, or they do and they hate America's exceptionalism
Yes. Our liberties are magnificent, Chris. How is this "outrageous," again?
So colleges aren't extremely left-leaning and indoctrinating children in Marxist ideology? So colleges, media outlets, and corporations haven't fired people for differing views? (Look up the Philly Inquirer and NYT op-ed firings for recent examples, or talk to @BretWeinstein)
Is it? When the New York Times is running the 1619 Project, which portrays 1619 as the "true founding" of America?
Not only is Trump correct in saying that the violence we've seen over the past few months is in liberal cities, but pretending that students aren't being taught that America is a country founded on the notion of slavery is gaslighting from Chris.
Trump has lied before. Okay, why is calling out this anti-American view of our history outrageous, Chris?

What are jokes, Chris? Historically, Washington did not seek the presidency and was lobbied at length by his fellow Founders.
Jefferson was all of those things.
Lincoln did all of those things. You found this line outrageous because of a joke Trump made in the past?
Yes, when people like James Damore are fired from Google for speaking out against diversity quotas, or Bret Weinstein is forced out of his position at Evergreen State, the campaign to silence dissent is very clear.
Again, unequal application of the rules on social media is concerning and stifling to dissemination of unorthodox views.
This is just more distortion and derision. "Our heritage" as Americans, Chris. Celebrating the accomplishments of Americans is not "outrageous."
And it just becomes clear that Chris ran out of things to criticize and just wanted to pad his list with ten more items.

What a joke of a writer and what a joke of a network. /END
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