The #AnimeExpoLite #BIPOC panel started off with an explanation of the term (which @FayeMata tweeted about earlier) so please check out that tweet and why that term matters.
The panelists #AnimeExpoLite #BIPOC
The comment about wanting to blend in with American culture to the point of ignoring your own... phew #AnimeExpoLite #BIPOC
But it’s true! I remember when I stated writing I thought I had to write white characters if I wanted to write certain genres and if I had Black characters they couldn’t be the leads for the fantastical stories I wanted to tell #AnimeExpoLite #BIPOC
@childishgamzeno: you wanna see yourself as the hero

This, absolutely. This is why we push for representation #AnimeExpoLite
The panel also addressed casting biases (regulating Black actors to certain types of roles, for example) and the lack of Black characters to begin with in media, and creators pushing for more representation there #AnimeExpoLite
@anairis_q also talked about the backlash she faced with that tired “Black should sound Black” comment she got. Can relate, hard, as I’ve dealt with “stop acting white/you sound white” comments before #AnimeExpoLite
Comments like this is why #BIPOC try and stray away from their culture in the first place. See: my comment about thinking I needed to write white characters to get my work out there #AnimeExpoLite
“Get people to start using the right words.” Which means to stop telling people to “sound/act/write/ect.” like an ethnicity and to actually give them direction. “Sound urban” NOT “sound Black” because there isn’t just one Black sound #AnimeExpoLite #BIPOC
Yo @childishgamzeno just read my comment: “comments about acting/sounding white is definitely why Black ppl struggle with their own identities and assume that they should stray away from it so they ‘achieve whiteness.’”(I didn’t mean to send it anonymously lol) #AnimeExpoLite
“It’s about evening the playing field.” Extremely valid point by @CristinaVee because it really is about creating more opportunities for #BIPOC and right now, unfortunately, there’s a lot of cases where they’re discriminated against #AnimeExpoLite
@childishgamzeno: saying you grew up in an urban place is not enough of a reason to say you can play a Black part. That’s not the only Black experience #AnimeExpoLite
Also pointing out white ppl stepping away from Black characters and how that isn’t enough (and how that isn’t even what we were asking for) #AnimeExpoLite
@stephaniesheh: if the part is for an American we should ALL be given a shot because we’re ALL American — but we’re not there yet #AnimeExpoLite
... and @childishgamzeno ended on my question about staying positive when it can feel like so many people are against #BIPOC (why for it keep sending them in anonymously) #AnimeExpoLite
I’m really glad it ended on this question. As we fight for representation it can feel like an uphill struggle, but it’s important to see that change is happening. We need to remember to acknowledge the positives otherwise the negatives will get too overwhelming #AnimeExpoLite
“Be the person you wanted to see growing up.” - @FayeMata

Thanks for checking out my livetweets on this panel! Now I’m gonna actually get some writing done cuz I totally didn’t during the panel LOL!
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