What is going on with Sevco, Castore, and Big Mike?

In the absence of public information, I'll hazard an (educated) guess in the posts below.
Court injunctions- that have not been lifted- order TRFCLtd (Sevco) to do a deal with SDIR for retail and merchandising. When SDIR said in court they would have matched the terms of the Hummel-Elite deal that was that.

Sevco are under a court injunction to do a deal with SDIR.
The court cases expanded SDIR's matching rights to include kit manufacturing. SDIR hadn't even claimed this right.

It's not clear that Ashley even wanted this.
However neither SDIR nor Sevco have said anything in public to explain what is happening.
It is possible that Ashley doesn't care for the kit manufacturing rights and has allowed Sevco to find a manufacturer on their own. (Low-margin sweatshop work anyway).

The money for kit sales is in retail.
SDIR have court orders affirming they hold the retail rights.
What is more likely?

Ashley has just walked away from court-affirmed rights to Sevco's retail & merchandising?

Or that Sevco are desperate and are trying to infer that permission to find a manufacturer was Ashley surrendering all of his rights?
Bringing in Castore and hyping a retail/merchandising deal will trigger another round of legal filings and court hearings.

I'd say the evidence points to the entire Castore retail story is a desperate attempt by Sevco to delay the final reckoning and payment of damages to SDIR.
Castore is a tiny operation.
Either as useful idiots to this story or understanding there is no such thing as bad publicity and gone along with this stunt quite knowingly- we don't know.

Either way I think they've pulled the retail when confronted with the facts by SDIR.
Time will tell what is really happening but I think Sevco's coterie of useful idiots have been exploited yet again.

They've been lied to and used by their beloved 8-year old club.
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