WotC's treatment of marginalized creators is abhorrent. Of my many friends who have worked there (either p/t or f/t), not many have had a great experience (myself included). Much of this comes down to WotC's unwillingness to truly invest in their creative community.
I'm not alone in feeling like I've dedicated the past few years almost solely to ttRPG-related work, ultimately benefitting companies that don't offer the same level of commitment back to the creators. Whatever we've "earned" is from our own ideas and labor.
Assuming it's a financial reason seems disingenuous, since our projects directly compensate these companies. It's that the company refuses to share *real* support and opportunities (creative and financial). A true changing of the guards is long overdue.
How do you have imaginative, inventive, and hard-working creators like Orion, Lysa, Hadeel, so many others, and not take action to do whatever you can to support, encourage, and empower those creators? People who believe in what your company produces?
It's not just WotC; what aspect of the ttRPG industry feels worth doing right now? The ENnies feel soured and indie game publishing isn't always the welcoming space we hope it will be.
For the Workshop, I'm trying to figure out how to responsibly help 4K+ authors find sustainable and creatively fulfilling writing opportunities/careers in an industry in turmoil. My current focus is at least helping these folks get started and we can figured out what to do next.
You can follow @ashleynhwarren.
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