Independence Day thoughts

We have heroes in this nation.

You probably know some.

You might be one.

Who are they?
šŸ“They are the people who marched, risking their lives, insisting Black Lives Matter, shouting that racism is systemic & constant
šŸ“They are the ones who stepped forward to expose the liars, the traitors and crooks in government, who testified publicly
šŸ“They are the people who showed up to VOTE, against the odds, risking their lives in the midst of a pandemic
šŸ“They are the people who grow and harvest our food, and keep us fed
šŸ“They are the people who care for us in illness, who care for our elders and our children
šŸ“They are people who stand up and say, this is not right, we do not consent, this must change
šŸ“They insist we can be better than this.
šŸ“They dream
šŸ“They wonder
šŸ“They question
šŸ“They strive, and work
šŸ“They are not whiners, but doers

And above all, they ask, is this what we want for our children?
Is this the legacy we want?
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