2/ Masks are key bc they both block transmission to others & protect the wearer; they don’t do either perfectly (the better the mask, the better it works), but perfect is the enemy of the good-enough-to-keep-R0 below 1

So, masks > no masks. The most important point.
3/ We would greatly benefit from better masks. Folded up t shirts work- but the better the mask, the less transmission.

ESP for essential workers + those at high risk of bad disease, higher filtration masks are key. https://hbr.org/2020/06/we-need-better-masks
4/ How do we get better masks?

This will have to happen either through the federal government (no words left for these ppl...) or through the private sector (every single company/business should be racing toward making these- huge market for this)
5/ Masks are not just to stop COVID19 cases + hospitalizations + deaths...

They are also our ticket toward actually reopening safely, getting back to work, & doing things that we love to do. Without a vaccine, masks are our next most pragmatic step. https://hbr.org/amp/2020/05/a-plan-to-safely-reopen-the-u-s-despite-inadequate-testing
6/ Masking is not an all/nothing behavior either. I keep seeing people running outside alone w/ masks on, yet not masking indoors while socializing w/ friends/ family.

When you mask is key. And if people only can mask for X number of hours, I prefer they do it when highest risk.
7/ This means masking indoors.

This may very well mean masking around family or relatives as well, especially if they are high risk and you live in a high-transmission area where you are out in the community often.

Would also add during public transport, and at work.
8/ Masking while alone in your car or masking when you are on a walk by yourself or masking for the millisecond you pass by someone on the street— personally, I care less about these instances.

Your mask here likely won’t do too much- your risk of transmission is very low
9/ So in short: masks work; better masks work better; masking during high risk transmission setups matters more than masking during low risk tx setups.

Lastly, don’t shame those not wearing a mask. It won’t work. A genuine conversation may go further (keep your mask on though 🙂
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