In 1776, the number of people in the world who thought like anyone thinks in 2020 was 0. That’s because 244 years of human experience separate us. Quit acting like anyone from history was ideologically pure. No one was. Doesn’t mean they didn’t lead us to where we are.
How can you expect anyone from that long ago to have your mindset when the things that led to your mindset hadn’t even happened yet? Accept that historical figures aren’t perfect. No one is perfect. Not even today. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn history.
It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t recognize the contributions of historical figures because they weren’t 2020 woke. Do you think anyone 200 years from now is going to think we’d fit into their time? They will probably think we were a bunch of violent savages who couldn’t coexist.
I hope none of you are so delusional that you think future people will look back on this time period and cover it in glory. Hopefully the people of the future will understand that we are a product of our time. Hopefully context will still exist in the future.
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