As my grandparents and great aunt are over for the Fourth of July, I shall be live tweeting the crazy hilarious shit they say

**Disclosure: my grandparents are super woke considering they're 90 so there will be no racist commentary**
My grandpa to me: where's all the booze in this house?
My grandma to my grandpa: Fred you're supposed to brush your eyebrows up they look ridiculous
The current conversation around the table is about old men not triming their nose hairs
How you know I take after my grandpa: he just said "when I want to make pie I just take out my wallet and go buy one"
My grandpa when my mom told him she was sharing his dessert with him
My 85 year old aunt gives me her wine glass and said: "less ice more booze"
My 85 year old widowed aunt referencing the glass of wine that almost spilled on her lap: "maybe I can get a guy in here to lick it up for me"

*Playing poker with family*
Mom: "Full house, ace high"
My grandpa, to his daughter: "Well now you're gonna get cussed out"
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