Nepal communist party leaders seek KP Sharma Oli's resignation
Yubaraj Ghimire is brilliant here. #NepalCrisis
Oli wants to split the party, and has reportedly asked Nepali Congress leader Sher Bahadur Deuba to support him. NC might support him, but Oli cannot continue his anti-India rhetoric for too long. NC is traditionally close to India, but anything is possible with Chinese money.
He is a shrewd politician, with a sound Chinese backing. So, India is keeping its cards close too. But it is the culmination of 30 years of diplomatic disaster in Nepal.
China probably wants one-party rule in Nepal, with Oli at the helm, and all dissenters arrested. However, there is no succession plan.
And there is something more than India vs China, there are multilateral stakes. Including missionaries.
India's biggest mistake was probably letting JNU breed Nepal Maoists in the 1990's and 2000's. Irony is that, Prachanda, now seen as Oli's adversary, was backed more by Indian Marxists than Chinese Maoists. India should not put all its might behind Prachanda, it will be dangerous
Oli (seen as pro-India 10 years ago) is merely using anti-India sentiments since the blockade, using it to get close to China; but is also trying to appease evangelists like Sun Myung Moon, and the US by trying to pass the Millennium Challenge Corporation Bill.
Communist Indian parties played a role in getting rid of Nepal's monarchy, but then left the politico-cultural ties between India and Nepal in a vacuum by ceding ground to China, and letting them virtually take over. Also, NC and INC also got weak in the respective countries.
There is no political link between Indian & Nepalese polity. The cultural bonds are weakening, because of low self-confidence in youth towards their own culture and tradition. Political institutions are a joke there. The President is trying to solve problems in the ruling party.
If India can solve border issues with Bangladesh (after ceding some land, and getting some), there is no reason, it cannot solve it with Nepal. However, this border issue is just a diversion.
Oli is hardly principled. 10 years ago, was seen as close to India. So, the problem is not the leader, but the overwhelming anti-India sentiment among the youth. Oli is merely using it.
Even pro-India leaders cannot be seen as pro-India. The anti-India feeling is pervasive. Even pro-Hindu leaders in Nepal are skeptical of the role of the Indian state, because India has always failed to protect even Hindu interests in Nepal. Skepticism grew after 2006.
Modi started well in 2014, but he had to deal with massive propaganda after the blockade. Yet, 70% of Nepal's imports and 53% of exports are from India. Despite this economic dependence, there is resentment. Some people want Nepali citizens in the Indian army to be recalled.
The only MP who opposed the new Nepal map, Sarita Giri has been removed from her post.
Indian media reporting Oli's affair with the Chinese Ambassador has angered everyone in Nepal. There is no evidence of any honey trapping, everything is based on her looks apparently. That was cheap, and it has no benefit either. Rather made his position stronger.
Indian media should exercise restraint. There are enough diplomatic channels in Nepal to deal with India's interests. You don't want them to be destroyed. (Or maybe they do).
Even Hindu groups in Nepal don't trust India to fully protect their interests. India, according to them, has only acted as a facilitator for Western interests in the country. There is a tremendous amount of misunderstanding, and India cannot bully them out of this.
Of course, saying the Chinese ambassador is powerful and running the government is fine. But, calling it a honey-trap was below any dignified response.
Funny how Nepal has banned all Indian private channels, but has allowed Modi government-run DD News. 😂
Regulatory frameworks have made India more inaccessible for Nepali businessmen than it was ten years ago. These agreements and regulations need modernization: what the authors stress upon. With traditional institutions withering away, there is a need to put new ones in place.
Suspended for opposing the new Nepal map, member of Nepal's Janata Samajbadi party Sarita Giri speaks to WION
"Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli identified himself a bona fide Marxist when he declared that there is no God but he added that if there were God, it is Marx." 
Another thing Oli knows is that his voter is riding a nationalist wave directed against India, but has not become a Marxist-Leninist like him. He wants to invoke Nepali culture, which cannot be dissociated from its innately Hindu character. Hence the attempts at appropriation.
Should India offer refuge to expelled Nepalese lawmaker Sarita Giri, because she is getting death and rape threats for her stand on the new map? @WIONews @narendramodi
The entire youtube comments section in an interview video is full of threats against her. Whether they want to disqualify a lawmaker is their sovereign interest, but there is nothing to suggest that the Govt of Nepal would act against threats. Need humanitarian intervention?
Most are directed at her because she spoke in Hindi. In contrast, Darjeeling & Sikkim MPs take oath in Nepali in Lok Sabha.

Wherever communists rule, they create a restricted national identity based on infinite divisions, and lecture others on world peace.
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