Socialists logging on to Twitter, drinking their Starbucks, tapping away at their iPhones, using high speed WiFi from Verizon, wearing t-shirts from Urban Outfitters, on their way to a BBQ using Uber to complain about capitalism on the 4th of July. Just fucking hilarious.
The problem is that all the things these socialists enjoy on a daily basis: from Wi-fi to choices of where to eat, are ALL products of capitalism. They live daily with the benefits of capitalism yet want so bad to change it with no clue of what a socialist state would look like.
It's the competition of these businesses that makes the products better and puts the true power in the hands of the consumer. Could you imagine if government took over cell phone service and there was no competition? We'd have 1 bar, nationwide. We'd be using fucking flip phones.
But in the mind of a socialist, bigger government is better. Government can do no wrong. But they don't realize our government is broke. The only way to monetize and pay for all this shit would be printing money, which is going to turn us into Venezuela.
They also don't realize that the power of daily choice that they enjoy - where to eat, where to travel, what products to buy, what clothes or car you own - all become state owned under socialism. Power rises to a VERY small few. And to think, socialists worry about oligarchy now.
And I admit that capitalism in the U.S. is crony capitalism. And we need to do away with "crony" and just have free market capitalism. But socialism is just not the answer. History tells us that.
Finally, in true ironic fashion, it's funny to hear all these far left socialists and Marxists screaming about "privilege" over the last few weeks - when, in fact, they are on the daily basking in the fruits of capitalism while telling us how much better of a system socialism is.
This country has work to do to continue improving. But we have taken huge steps since 1776 & celebrating July 4 doesn't mean condoning everything that's happened in our history. It means coming together as a nation, embracing what make us American & striving to improve together.
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