In Defense of #VoteGreen2020, a thread:

Vote for whoever you like. I'm not going to argue about it or bully you - that's for the Dem lib base to do. But I want to respond to a bunch of statements going around. I encourage you to Google anything you have questions or doubts about
First, an underdog party like the Greens cannot be arrogant by definition; that's like saying black people are racist.
Second, although Howie has said in the past that he believes there was Russian interference/collusion in 2016, he and his ticket and the Green Party are not avid Russiagaters; they realize it is a huge distraction from the important issues that they are focusing on.
Third, Stein publicly has great respect for Howie; see link below. Fourth, Peltier is still in prison; a VP in prison might not be a viable way to run the country.
Fifth, the PSL party is only on the ballot in 2 states that I am aware of; the best they have ever done in a presidential election is .05% - they have zero chance of getting to 5% for federal funding whereas the Green Party has gotten 2.7% and this year stands a real chance
of hitting 5%. Lastly, the Greens are all about Ecosocialism - that is a direct assault on the supremacy of capitalism. So again, I won't argue these points or try to change your mind. But I wanted to address some comomon assertions.
Voting Green this year is not about winning and it is not about supporting a candidate or party bc they are 100% perfect. It is about a viable opportunity to challenge the monopoly on power that the corporate parties have. I will leave this discussion here.
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