Many Overwatch players focus really hard on climbing in Competitive and then seek help when they are "stuck". I NEVER hear any one address the actual cause of this which is that not everyone can climb. When you climb, the enemy team falls and vice versa.
Bronze – 1-1500
Silver – 1500-1999
Gold – 2000-2499
Platinum – 2,500-999
Diamond – 3000-3499
Masters – 3500-3999
Grandmaster – 4000+

Something to be aware of in Bronze: Once you get down towards 600 you start to only lose 2 SR for a loss. So there's built in cushion there.
Wins net you 20-30 SR which increases when you're on a winning streak, which serves to faster move you to the rank you belong in. This is not the case for losing streaks. This means that when you're outplaying your rank you will move up quickly until your skill level evens out.
Once upon a (2018) time, Jeff Kaplan released these statistics regarding Competitive Tier Distribution:

Bronze – 8%
Silver – 21%
Gold – 32%
Platinum – 25%
Diamond – 10%
Masters – 3%
Grandmaster – 1%

Which indicates a symmetrical distribution of rank.
As a musician, I understand this harsh reality all too well. If I want to play in the London Symphony Orchestra then I have to get into that top 3%. There's limited positions available, and if I grind and make it into that tier of musicians it's because I pushed someone else out.
So being "stuck" in a rank is an inevitability. You will end up where you belong and THAT is where the games should be the most "competitive" for you. While many find fun in crushing obviously-lesser opponents, nobody enjoys BEING the obviously-lesser opponent.
When you get "stuck" that means you've finally arrived at the point where you win some, you lose some, but the games should be close. If you nose dive on a losing streak maybe you'll end up in the rank (or 2 :sadface:) below where you were "stuck".
Your losing streak means someone else got their wings and climbed. As you move down someone else HAS to move up because the distribution is symmetrical. Your new lower rank should also mean, assuming you really DO belong in a higher rank, that your games become easier.
If you're a Gold playing in Bronze you should look like a M1 Abrams battle tank vs. a bunch of Power Wheels. Or maybe you're not really a Gold level player. Maybe you fell so hard because you belong in a lower rank. Maybe your climb IS to get to Gold.
And sure, maybe you had a bad day losing streak and it was a fluke that you fell to Bronze, but if that's the case there's a symmetrical chance that you made it into Gold on a similar fluke winning record.
The point is, excepting for smurfs, your ranked games should be too hard (fall), too easy (climb), or just right ("stuck") and the more games you play the higher chance you have to reaching that point where games are truly competitive in experience and not just in name.
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