So, is everyone realizing that educators are the connective tissue of this whole damn country, & they deserve to be paid for that service?

If we can’t “open up” the economy without public schools, maybe corporate America should start paying their taxes so we can fund education.
I mean, seriously, if all the companies want their workers back, maybe they need to consider what it would cost to make it safe, and come up with the cash to fund that initiative. GA just slashed education by a billion. Talk to me about reduced class size and better hvac systems?
If we value our teachers, we need to think about their health, the risks they’ll be taking. We need to think about who will watch over *their* children. We need strategies, & the funding to execute.

If we are going to ask people to do a dangerous job, we need to protect them.
Many of the best arguments for opening schools right are just indicators of all the ways the system has let everyone down. Schools need to open because kids need to eat, because that’s the only way they’ll see a doctor, because they are safer in school. It should not be this way.
I don’t want to see schools stay closed, but more than that, I dont want to see them open dangerously. This is a moment for structural change, a chance to consider what hyper capitalism has done to this country. If the system we have can’t serve us, it’s time for a new system.
The United States should not exist simply to power a corporate machine. The corporate machine is supposed to power the country.

We got it twisted.
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