Reading through the results of the ThoughtExchange sent out by my board, I can feel the frustration of parents/guardians. I sympathize with people who want us to "do more teaching" in the fall, but I'm not sure how we're supposed to accomplish that in a hybrid model. #onted
Do parents/guardians realize that we don't typically stand in front of the class and lecture? That there really isn't a functional way to teach many subjects through a camera and/or screen?

I am very techy. I love computers. I'm innovative. I hate online teaching. #onted
It seems pretty clear to me that my board is going with a hybrid model for the fall. I'm hoping for flexibility with what the "at-home learning" portion looks like. I can set up activities on in-person days that they can take home to work on, sure. #onted
What I can't do is somehow do even more than we were doing in the spring while also teaching in person. I don't know what parents/guardians are expecting from us. "Teachers need to actually TEACH." -> Okay, but how? What does that look like? Google Meets =/= teaching. #onted
If boards and health units are pushing a hybrid model for the fall, then I truly hope they give educators flexibility to decide what at-home days look like. Please don't tell us it MUST be "online learning" and MUST include synchronous learning. #onted
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