17 Success Principles

from Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone

#Success #Goals #Motivation #Focus
1) A positive mental attitude

Winners always look on the bright side. The best is yet to come!

2) Definiteness of purpose

Know who you are and where you're going.
3) Going the extra mile

Always put that little extra "oomph" into everything, be it the gym, business or game.

4) Accurate thinking

Make sure you understand the 40,000 ft view and the situation on the ground.
5) Self-discipline

Do what you have to do, when you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not

6) The master mind

Find a group of successful men and exchange ideas with them - the problems you face now have already been handled by these men. Learn from them.
7) Applied faith

If you constantly believe and act like good things will happen to you, they will.

8) A pleasing personality

Be agreeable. People trust and want to be with others who have a joie de vivre about them.
9) Personal initiative

Take responsibility for yourself, own your situation, and take action on your goals.

10) Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm generates excitement and momentum. Be excited about getting to work achieving your goals everyday. You are building something amazing!
11) Controlled Attention

If you let others dictate your attention, you'll never get anything done. Block out distractions when it's time to work. Be selfish.

12) Teamwork

To achieve your goals, you will need help from a lot of people. Be a team player.
13) Learning from defeat

Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. You will make many mistakes on the way. Learn from them.

14) Creative vision

Think big, be bold and have a grand vision of yourself for the future.
15) Budgeting time and money

There's only 24 hours in a day. Spend most of your day engaged in tasks which will bring you closer to your goals. - Money is a resource; use it to invest in yourself.
16) Maintaining sound physical and mental health

Take care of yourself first. There's no point making a billion dollars if you're too sick to enjoy it. Make your physical health a priority. Filter out nonsense, establish what's important to you and focus on it. Ignore mass media
17) Using cosmic habit force

There are greater forces at work than what we are able to detect. Call upon these forces when you need to and draw from their strength.
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