Apparently people are not aware that the Geneva Conventions only apply to armed conflict between nations AND ALSO that the US has been cheerfully ignoring them for at least 17 years so maybe stop acting shocked when we commit war crimes at home?
And then the National Guard rolled into cities here and the cops were in riot gear and people pulled this shit? I do.
And no, the cops and NG weren't "treating America like Fallujah" which you can tell by way of the fact that no city ended up with 100 dead civilians and conditions causing tens of thousands to try to fucking flee to somewhere, anywhere else.
I need my fellow white Americans to get. The fuck. Over. Ourselves.

Y'all know there are actual human beings from countries where we've been violating international law with impunity for YEARS on Twitter right?
So unless you're gonna make sure you're plugged into Iraqi and Afghani twitter JUST TO PICK TWO TOTALLY RANDOM EXAMPLES so that you can lift up their voices every time we murder civilians there, maybe lay off freaking out about international law re domestic behavior.
Because when white Americans pull this shit it's gross as Hell and v much comes off as "how dare the US govt subject us to the same horrors it inflicts on black and brown bodies overseas".

There was never a chance this shit wouldn't come home. Never.
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