Math question. If the govt proudly announced they have provided $4million in funding for enhanced cleaning and that fund was JUST used to purchase hand sanitizer for classroom use how long will it last?
With ~2,000,000 students in public schools in Ontario that works out to $2/child.
In secondary the average class is funded at 23.5 students. So that works out to an extra $47/classroom for the entire year.
Staples has this 1L hand sanitizer for $17. I’ve compared around and this price is not out of whack. That means 3 1L bottles can be purchased with the $47. So 3000 mL of hand sanitizer for each classroom.
Under the current govt plan, 16 individuals are expected in each classroom. Suppose each individual uses the hand sanitizer 6 times over a 4-5 hour period (upon entering/leaving class, prior/after lunch and before/after a pee break).
So 1000 applications /16 individuals /6 applications per day = 10 days worth of hand sanitizer.
The funding provided by the govt form “enhanced cleaning” will provide enough hand sanitizer to last 2 (maybe 3) weeks.
It is time for @sflecce to get serious and to provide school boards the $$$ to ensure schools open safely. If the minister is not up to the task @fordnation needs to find one who will. #firelecce
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