I am on my way to Gettysburg, PA, to sweat my ass off and laff hysterically at far right idiots who actually believe antifa is coming to burn flags, paint children’s faces and kill white people.
Law enforcement is staging at the Gettysburg Area Middle School, a 7 minute drive from the cemetery.
I took the scenic route into Gettysburg. Along my drive, the numerous Trump flags and yard signs as well as one Confederate flag stylized with Trump’s name were a sign I’m deep in Trump country.
I just took a spin through the battlefield where all seems normal. Folks just out walking a bicycling through the park on a hot Saturday.
I drove past all of the parking lots looking for the LARPers and finally found some in the overflow.
There doesn’t seem to be much going on at this point. Just a handful of Trump supporters parking and walking over. Bunch of blue line flags flying on vehicles.
Fairly certain that this person was at the Unite The Right rally because I recognized them. He was heading over and I’ll probably be able to get a better photo once I head over. Just kinda hanging in the parking lot seeing what’s going on and staying cool for the moment.
This truck just left following a small group of motorcycles and had “America’s Flag Truck in Pocono, PA” plastered on it. https://twitter.com/ttojaf/status/1279428884912656387?s=21 https://twitter.com/ttojaf/status/1279428884912656387
Seems to be a steady flow of cars and people into this parking lot. Looks like the boogers are going to have a big day of sitting around and sweating in the sweltering heat.
Here’s the scene down at the entrance.
Walking the cemetery looking for antifa. None spotted yet.
Found the troop transports around the backside of the cemetery.
Nice and breezy underneath this tree. This is the lamest flag burning I’ve ever seen.
Colin Flaherty is supposedly here somewhere. I haven’t seen him yet but I’ll keep looking.
At the entrance, the guy with the bald head has a Swastika tattoo on one side of his neck and a rune on the other. Beardo stared me down hard.
Here come the Feds. Homeland Security must be prowling for people tearing down Federal monuments.
Horsies are here.
There’s a vehicle in the parking lot with a huge “Heathen” sticker on it. Not all Heathens are Nazis, but some Nazis are Heathens.
This truck just came through. Trust me when I tell you that these folks drank the Koolaid.
There was a large crowd at the entrance when I came through a few minutes ago, but I was checking out the Staties on horseback and didn’t see where they went.
I haven’t spotted Christian Dingaling yet. Not sure where he’s posted up at with his 100 Patrinuts.
The actual entrance to the cemetery seems to be the main congregating point at the moment.
Current estimate based on what I’ve seen walking around is 500. A lot of people open carrying. Still no antifa.
Because nothing is more compatible than American and Confederate flags.
There’s a chopper circling the cemetery.
The “Maulitia” MC just rolled through the cemetery.
I really want to find Colin Flaherty. Haven’t seen him yet.
This LARPer just came through screaming about how there’s only “one solution” at this point. A lot of people clapped.
Overheard this boomer talking into his teleyphone that he’s here to “kick some little pussie’s ass”.
Boomer and LARPer just had some discourse.
Nazis are taking a break. Here’s a close-up if the Swazi.
Just hanging out in the shade with this baby praying mantis now. Chillin’. I asked the mantis if they’d seen any antifa and they said “no”.
This is fucking sad.
On the plus side, no one has taken a toe off with their pew pew yet.
The militia LARPers look just as bored as me. I wonder if reality has started to set in?
Union break is over. A group of about 25 militia just walked through. One of them was checking their cards. Don’t ask me what the cards were, it looked like maybe their drivers license.
I heard a bunch of shouting over the hill. The first conflict of the day. Trump supporters fighting amongst themselves.
Apparently the terribly controversial sight of a white man wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt got it going.
Cops are coming.
DHS is here.
A single guy in a Black Lives Matter shirt just existing here and had the entire crowd shout him down screaming “White Lives Matter”.
DHS just told the man who was surrounded that he had to de-escalate. Not the 100-200 Trump supporters surrounding him screaming “White Lives Matter”.
The cops just perp walked the guy that got mobbed out while people chanted “USA!”
Two unmarked Suburban’s and 3 DHS SUV’s responded within minutes to perp walk one guy in a BLM t-shirt.
As best I can tell what started the fray was the man just being here with a shirt with words they didn’t like, and DHS walked him out, not the angry shouting mob surrounding him.
Gettysburg PD is here, just saw them fist bump a rando Trump supporter one by one.
Crowd has thinned out considerably. I was just told there’s some people guarding a Confederate monument 2 miles from here. I think that’s where Colin Flaherty might be, but I’m going to hang here and hope he shows up here. Lame stunt.
Still no sighting of Christian Dingaling who I was hoping to see. Also, I’m shocked antifa hasn’t shown up yet. I was sure they were coming.
Seems like this balloon is quickly deflating.
No antifa. No burning flags. And no fucking face painting. Just a bunch of sad ass Trump worshiping bootlickers. I want my money back.
I honestly don't understand why this man was made to leave. I never saw him getting belligerent or causing any problems. He simply had a shirt that said "Black Lives Matter" on it.
Here is a DHS officer explaining that sometimes just your mere presence escalates things. Not the 200 people surrounding you in a mob. They aren't escalating things at all.
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