Th-1 Ep -1:
So this is my first thread in my series of #RealPolitikWithChax based on my readings .

This thread divided in episodes ,will briefly focus upon post 9/11 AFG war by US and Pak President's Musharraf's & ISI's role/double-game towards Bush administration ..
Ever since the 9/11 happened, US was hell bent on getting PerMush on their side, so much so , they gave him an ultimatum to the US ambassador to Pak.
PerMush was as usual in denial of Al-Qaeda’s involvement in this
US was straightforward with Musharraf since the beginning, demanding his unquestionable support. it was him who started beating around the bush
Musharraf being a Paki nationalist, saw no option but to side with US to stop INDIA from gaining advantage.
The Islamist lobby inside army bitterly dissented since abandoning Taliban appeared to be against their duty towards ummah.
Cunning Musharraf capitalized this chance to keep complaining against India to Bush and tried to Keep US pressure away from their Kashmir involvement. A sort of good terrorist , bad terrorist approach ..
Taliban was an useful idiot for Musharraf to establish Pakistan’s hegemony in the region and their Emir Mullah Omar was considered a rigid religious extremist by him but his idea was to bring a sense of legitimacy for Talibans in US eyes
One more intriguing character in this game was colonel Imam, a clerical ISI Directorate S top boss, a hardcore Islamist and a fan boy of Osama Bin Laden who worked closely with him during war against Soviets.
Colonel Imam, for obvious reasons was very pro-Taliban and was Musharraf’s pawn to manipulate them and CIA both at a time.
The Bush admin clearly lacked experts on AFG internal politics and relied heavily on Pak. The clearly got seduced by Pak’s front-end military support but completely ignored their back-end ideological leaning to Taliban.
As explained above US was on an ultimatum mood, and it’s laundry list was extensive and Musharraf was equally tactical in response, filibustering with promise of a lose support citing his commitment to his countrymen’s ideology and a scare-crow : INDIA
There is this one glimpse how Pak milked out American money on false itemization as reimbursement for war. The corruption was taken to the form of art and Bush admin was clueless. Below is Colonel Barry Shapiro’s account

Read the last line in the snippet 😋😋😋
Al Qaeda was annoyed with Musharraf's game & tried to assassinate him.He,retaliated with military strike and allowed Americans to do so too.
The idea was to revive Taliban but stay in good book of Bush Admin by allowing them to eliminate AQ in PAK,only to gain Bush’s trust more.
Excerpts from @Stevecoll's book Directorate S

***** End of Episode 1, more to follow *********

If I may request @sushantsareen @ShivAroor @Cold_Peace_ to read 😃
Amigos @AlphaMaximus9 @SeemantiniBose @ShubhroMukherji @hatecommie
pls read if you have time and let me know how did you find it :) :)
Cc: @Aabhas24 bhai ... !!
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