THREAD. Yes the coronaboat has sailed and - in the words of failed projects everywhere - we are where we are. However, there are still good decisions and bad decisions and it’s never too late for the government to start doing the right thing. My suggestions:
Start with an apology. Underline the things that went wrong (not locking down soon or well enough, PPE failures, no plan for schools or children, allowing some businesses to fall through the cracks, not sacking Cummings immediately).
Then start putting things right.
Underline the seriousness of the disease by sacking Cummings. Provide CLEAR guidance for all businesses and individuals, backed by appropriate laws. Start treating facemasks like seatbelts. Actually follow the science.
Work with the Welsh and Scottish governments. Work out how to open schools and do it. Start piloting UBI. Fund the arts. Invest in refuges and safe spaces for those who need them. Invest in broadband and technology for those without.
Understand the risks, and make sensible, evidence-based decisions and communicate those clearly. Start doing Channel 4 and other “harder” interviews again. Try harder. Be better. Be culpable.
The primary responsibility of any government is to protect its people. Please, start doing that.
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