Since this is the end of Hong Kong.

Let me tell you one thing that symbolised the HK I grew up in and familiar with.

It is none other than this 👇
They are steak meal from one of the three biggest HK fast food chain.

Does it taste very good? Never!

But they are embedded the old generation HK-spirit, the one that as good as steak meal taste.
Ok, back in the the 70s, HK economy start the explosive growth. Being a colony of Britain, people will treat Anglo-American food with higher esteem.

So back then, the Hong Kong style steak house became popular, and “go cut some steak” was a thing for the emergingmiddle class.
Well, Hong Kong style steak house was not in fact a steak house, it is more like a fusion of Western food and Chinese food. But they are special and in general good food.

They were not cheap, not something blue collar can afford at least.
Ok, then the economy continued it grow, HK became Advanced Economy-adjacent in the late 80s and early 90s, the decade which I was was a kid. Almost all of us has enough purchasing power.

Steak is no longer something too fancy, just “overpriced”.
Enter the HK style fast food chain. The knew that my mum’s generation was nostalgic about “go cut some steak”, kind of an major event when they were kids, so they introduce the fast food style steak meal, with a twist of Teppanyaki.
I mean, three pieces of (over)cooked steaks served on a hot metal plate is so “fast food” — everything are prepared beforehand.

The steak captured the nostalgia of my parents, and the spectacle created by pouring sauce on the hot plate captured kids like me. This became popular
Yet, as I said, they never taste good. Well, hard for a overcooked and precooked steak to taste brilliantly, right?

And, if you think about the above history, this steak meal gone through two “bastardisation” (excuse my language) and became a daily fixture in the fast food chain
So, this, to me was very Hong Kong.

We had more than one generation of people who always willing make thing worse in the name of adaptation and survival (*cough* money! *cough*)

Well, they said they endured dark days, so they can “adapt” to whatever bad stuff.
To me, they, are this tasteless steak.

My generation, however, is born into a rich economy; we are educated adequately; we are supposed to be able to distinguish between right/ wrong, good/ bad.

But, we never outgrew this steak.

This is the end of my thread.

And I am sorry.
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