How I transformed my relationship with the Quran in less than 2 months.

I try my best to avoid putting my personal Ibadah life online, for the fear of Riyah.

No one on twitter can reward, This was written only to help struggling muslims like myself

As my beloved said: “Convey from me, be it even one verse” (Bukhari)

I hope you find this helpful..

I normally do take few moments in a week to reflect, weigh my bad, good, calculate and do the needful..

Just around Eid time, I realized my relationship with the Quran had deteriorated.. It was reduced to a ramadan or jumua thing
It would’ve been easy to make up excuses for this carelessness, cos I focused too much on learning Hadith method & Islamic history...

The issue was lack of balance, I had natural inclination to the fore mentioned fields but the book of Allah is Primary and Superior.
In suratul Nisa, Allah said
“أَفَلَا یَتَدَبَّرُونَ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَۚ
“Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an?”

Quran is the direct words of my creator, if I really want to know Allah, understand islam, have peace and glow spiritually,

Quran Has be my EVERYDAY companion.
When I realized my mistakes, I was eager to make things right but I didn’t really know how to knot that permanent relationship

If i didn’t plan it means i would be exhausted in a few weeks.

Few days later I realized to have a permanent relationship with the quran, I would have to strive in 3 Areas...

/ Listening
/ Recitation

Few days after Eid I came across this tweet and it changed my life. I promised myself inshaallah this is it..

I had a sketchy plan on mind but this was the final fuel I needed..

There’s a brother @MohamedWIbrahim (May Allah reward him) a big fan of Qari Abdulbasit رَحِمَهُ ٱللّٰهُ He would always push Abdulbasit propaganda on my TL😂

This moved me so much cos I found peace in Abdulbasit’s voice.

I started going offline to enjoy more.
Maher & Yaseer used to be my favorites, switching to abdulbasit was a bit weird at first cos they’re relatively way faster.

To make it a routine, listening to Quran, I played him on my Quran Pro

I chose early morning & driving hours for listening cos my mute hours.

To have that Solid relationship with the Quran, reciting daily was paramount..

But I needed a concrete plan that’ll keep me attached,

My bro @ASiddique_ added me to his Quran group chat, where everyone had to recite a portion everyday.

Ustadh Nouman always says “The Quran wasn’t revealed to be read, It was sent to guide”

Listening & Recitation isnt enough, I needed to properly understand what Allah was saying,

The Quran is a gem, you’ll only know this when you busy yourself with Tafseer(exegesis)
My shaikh said “when you love someone you try to understand their language to enjoy communicating”

If you love Allah, learning & listening to an authentic Tafseer will draw you closer to Him. You’ll shed tears and your heart will be moved easily.
On Tafseer I prefer the ‘classics’ of Shaikh Jaafar mahmud Adam and Sheikh Isa Ali Fantami (May Allah forgive and preserve them respectively)

lot of times we want to be better muslims, people around you break you without you knowing..

If you roll with the people striving, You’d subconsciously improve your Islam just being around them.

You’d push eachother & compete

You must know Everything you read above was done inshaallah solely to please Allah, hence they’re days I’d sin, get lazy etc

But Because it was a journey to please Allah alone, I’d repent and continue from where I stopped.

Do you stop eating cos you sinned?
“... follow up a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out...” (Tirmidhi)

All these i’ve written takes max 2hours of my day, most times less. Most of us effortlessly spend 5 hours scrolling social media.

You just need a plan, it’s easy and worth it. Assalamu alaikum
You can follow @Danjauro_.
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