Non-Natives before you post videos like this make sure you first ask and accurately state what is going on. He didn't just start dancing, he's counting coup. When we dance in the face of the enemy, it's never just "dancing", it's ceremony, prayer, medicine, courage and mercy.
For you Non-Natives, during intertribal battles and war, the ultimate honor or act of bravery was to count coup - meaning to get close enough to touch an enemy without causing harm or death.
Woke up to see this getting attention and see a lot of Non-Natives following the lead of the non-Native filming who said "That's a bessing, sir". To be clear, it was not a blessing 🤣 it was an act of war, it was disgracing, shaming and defeating the officer by showing mercy.
And definitey donate to the Black Hills Bail & Legal Defense Fund and follow the @ndncollective
Native people, please drop your cash apps and links to your shops on this thread so others can support your work.
You can follow @johnniejae.
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