What can you do to show you’re ready for what you want? Don’t just pray for the shit, pray to be ready for it too. This is how people get the bag and fumble it.
If you want your business to thrive, is your discipline and schedule in alignment, do you even have TIME for a business?
What are you going to do with the money you want to manifest? Do you have a list of things you’d love to take care of with said money?
How about romantic love? You still shaving to go over for “closure” from someone who couldn’t give two fucks about you all while hoping you one day attract a healthy connection from someone new. Where’s the space for that new person?
Everything else will follow suit when you start acting like you’re really about it. I promise you.
Ask for a specific amount and be open to receive even more. Be flexible about how it arrives. Work on yourself while your divine counterpart makes its way to you. Do your homework while waiting for that business opportunity.
When you answer your “why” behind what you want in life and the intentions are pure and the actions line up, the universe will know you mean business. I believe in you. ✨
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