America stopped being able to differentiate between "Freedom" and "you're not the boss of me" and that's why we can't get any sense of national unity on something as unifying as fighting a pandemic.
Much as some people would like it to be, "freedom" is not "I can do whatever and no one should be allowed to stop me."

It's a pact we make with one another. The idea that people should live as they like is the fabric that holds us together.

And it can be endangered.
You can't have a free nation without having a nation.

Even anarchy depends on a consensus between people and exists as a system.

(Real anarchy, you dolt, not your colloquial understanding read a fucking book sometime)
The generation these flag waving nitwits revere so much understood that.

They knew they would have to do things they didn't like or didn't want to do to ensure that they'd be able to keep living a life where they could choose ... well, anything.
We had a draft. War bonds. Scrap metal drives. Rationing.

Women went to work, an unprecedented upheaval at the time (that ended up playing out to the better).

America did things it didn't want to do in order to keep existing when the storm had passed us by.
How the descendants of those who sacrificed so much have completely missed the point of the very thing they mythologize just confuses me so mu--

--hold on, I'm being informed about religion.
"Freedom isn't free" doesn't mean that someone else's kid get sent thousands of miles away to kill someone else's kid for something neither had any hand in.

It means sometimes you make sacrifices.

Like being told what to do, now and then.

Like wearing a goddamn mask you idiot.
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