I’m currently studying in the Commerce program at Queen’s university and the discrimination i’ve seen and experienced in one year alone is truly disappointing.

Student organizers have set up an Instagram (@/stolenbysmith) to collect qualitative data on the discrimination that..
...occurs at Queen’s. I’m amplifying our students’ voices and sharing this data here so please read and give the page a follow:
pt. 1/3
Pt. 2/3
Pt. 3/3
“I see the progression that my male peers make from being known amongst the women in our year as being abusive, to them becoming the Brett Kavanaugh’s and Jian Ghomeshi’s of the word”
“Why did you get involved in activism?”

“As if I had the choice to be involved in it”
This is the last one for tonight but the thread will be updated as more stories are submitted. If these are triggering for you, please feel free to mute my account. Your wellbeing comes first.
“It was such a waste of an opportunity to actually teach about women’s equality and instead we had to pander to a bunch of angry men who felt their privilege threatened”
“Not only did I look different from the norm - the way that some people treated me made that distinction abundantly clear”
A lot more to come today. Please use these as an opportunity to learn & reflect. It‘s not the job of BIPOC students to educate their peers and sharing these stories is very difficult for many. To ignore this data is to be compliant in the white supremacy that persists at Queen’s
“The sooner you admit that your friends are racist, the sooner you can help them unlearn that racism. Don’t let it go unchecked”
You can follow @meena_waseem.
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