Songs by NCT 127 K-Pop Twitter doesn’t want you to see: a thread.
Before I get into the songs I wanna explain why I made this thread. Non-NCTZens (or just antis) only know 5 songs of NCT 127; Cherry Bomb, Simon Says, Kick It, Mad Dog, and Punch and consider them to be “noise”. It has started to the point where non fans generalize NCT’s songs
as a whole. NCT 127 may make songs that are “loud” and “noisey” but those 5 songs don’t make up their entire discography. These songs I am going to show are much more different than those 5 songs listed.
Starting off by their bonus track (from their debut album), Switch, this doesn’t really count (I guess) but it’s sung by 4 members and is in an album of theirs.
1. Switch
2. Once Again
Oh my god 🙀 NCT 127 has done cute concepts!
3. Paradise
4. Limitless
Iconic as hell
5. Good Thing
This one is a shortened version but it’s still alright
6. Back 2 U
This song is heavily vocaled so if you enjoy songs that focus more on vocals instead of rap, this is a good song
7. Heartbreaker
This one is also heavily vocaled but isn’t on the “ballad” and “soft” side
8. Baby Don’t Like It
I definitely recommend this song, it’s an entire bop
9. Angel
If you like songs more on the softer side, you should try listening to this one
10. Running 2 U
11. 0 Mile
Another song I would recommend, it’s very summer-y and gives out good vibes :)
12. Whiplash
This is mostly dominated by rap (kind of?) so if you enjoy songs that are dominated by rap, here you go
13. Summer 127
This is my favorite song by them ever Just like 0 Mile, I would definitely recommend this one and it also gives of summer-y and good vibes
14. Sun & Moon
15. Touch
16. City 127
17. Replay
18. Knock On
19. No Longer
No comment, none
20. Fly Away With Me
21. Welcome To My Playground
This one is more on the cutesy side
22. Elevator
23. Boom
24. Pandora Box
25. Day Dream
26. Love Me Now
27. Love Song
28. White Night
29. Not Alone
30. Dreams Come True
31. Nonstop
32. Make Your Day
Songs from 22-32 are in the same album as Kick It, Mad Dog, and Punch, crazy right?
33. Superhuman
34. Highway To Heaven
(Can’t find the Korean version, sorry)
35. Fool
36. Jet Lag
37. Paper Plane
End of thread
Honorable mentions are: Dreaming, 100, Lips, Blow My Mind, Long Slow Distance, and End to Start
For the people who love songs that focus more on rapping, Mad City, My Van, and Sit Down are really good songs
Some more noise music 😼: Firetruck, Wake Up (Kinda), Another World (Kinda), Chain, Run Back 2 U, Wakey-Wakey, and Kitchen Beat
Since you reached the end, stan NCT Dream and WayV 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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