You know what? I am so, so sick & tired of being lied to, gaslighted & fucked rigid by the worst PM & government in my lifetime!
I am not a young woman, I have lives thru many govts of many stripes over many years.
This is different.
Believe me.
#FailedPMJohnson is a casually selfish, self-indulgently privileged person, who actually doesn’t even know how evil he is.
He has presided over a corrupt, cynical referendum, seen off a slightly less malignant, but fatally weak, incumbent of the office, who could have done
SO much more in the interests of the country, but instead sold her soul wholeheartedly to the ERG bastards, traitors & downright blackguards to stay in ‘power’. In truth, she never was.
Since getting into No.10, this appalling, narcisstic, morally bankrupt shit of a man
has installed the very worst of people to cover his lazy, suety arse & is untroubled by the demise of a respected democracy & the atrocious impact on its people of a far-right ideological attack he doesn’t even care enough to adhere to.
It’s ALL about the Emperor, the World
King, Johnson.
As long as he & the young playmate of the day can swan around, a la Trump, in his shiny new toys - tacky yachts & planes - paid for by you & me, as we poor fools struggle to keep just one small roof over our wretched heads, lose our jobs, futures & most
importantly of all, our sorry pleb lives, he is prepared the be hated, but very, very wealthy.
I hate this man with a passion. I will never forget those who sold us out to him & his calculating weirdos.
Tell me, my friends, I know there are millions of you.
WHEN, and how do we revolt?
WHO will stand up & lead us?
How cowed & disrspected & appalled do we need to be, before we stand up say enough is enough?
Seriously, fuck, fucking Johnson, Cummings & his whole appalling shit show of a ‘government’?
We MUST fight this.
You can follow @EHijacked.
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