Apologies, another long thread. Here are some concerns by SNAs in relation to returning to school and the concerns they have. @NormaFoleyTD1 I hope u can take some of these into consideration and perhaps give us some clarification #Respect4SNAs
Are we going to be sending home everyone that coughs or sneezes , ourselves included ? How will this affect our sick leave ? #Respect4SNAs
Staffing is going to be a huge issue. How can I work of my child isnt in school also. This 1 or 2 days a week wont work for working parents. What are my rights if iv to stay home due to no childcare? #Respect4SNAs
What will happen if we have to keep our own kids home due to cough/cold and test pending for example? Do we get a certain amount of leave allocated for this as I can imagine there will be so many missed days of work and school for this... #Respect4SNAs
Will the hse be visiting schools before they open to ensure certain requirements are on site. #Respect4SNAs
We have been told that hand washing is more than enough. I work in a special school where intimate care is paramount. We are exposed to spitting biting etc. I would like to know the exact details of ppe as if we are protected so our vulnerable kids. #Respect4SNAs
Also kids coming In who are unwell and have temperatures, our nursing dept say it’s ok as calpol can be given. Is this through? #Respect4SNAs
I work in a special school with various children who display high intensity challenging behaviours daily. Before lock down we used professional crisis management (pcm)to manage escalating aggressive/challenging behaviours. It utilises various techniques but common practice would
what if anything we can now do in these high intensity situations? It's not always possible to clear a room of other kids/staff to ensure their safety and the children in crisis often need to be transported to a safe room to allow safe de-escalation of the crisis for everyone.
in general behaviour management in terms of biting, spitting, induced vomiting etc these are a daily occurance in mine and I'm sure many special school what protocol will be in place for staff who encounter these bodily fluids?? #Respect4SNAs
For return to school what will be put in place for snas who have health conditions themselves or is living with someone who has health conditions. #Respect4SNAs
I think school environment should be made safe as possibly can,temperature checks etc,it will be impossible to social distance for staff and kids in class. #Respect4SNAs
i am worried about trying to be at work and then if my own kids don’t have school only 1or 2 days a wk ,it’s going to be very difficult for us working parents.also I think there should be more sick leave during Covid ,if we do have to stay home sick or with family. #Respect4SNAs
If isolations rooms are gojng into place,,
How long will these children be in them,,
While they wait for a parent
Precaution for a day until they might be just a bit off
A few days ,,two weeks,,
How many at one time ,, #Respect4SNAs
what about children in playground. We are mainstream school of 800 children.
Also staffroom environment with large number of staff.
And temp checks..PPE gear..hot water in all classrooms. #Respect4SNAs
And temp checks. hot water in all classrooms.
With such close contact with the special needs children with their hygiene..feeding..toileting.
Parents entering school.
Children in sensory room and the cleaning of same.
Soft furnishings.
Supplies of PPE gear. Hand sanitsers gloves.
If not allowed into school due to cold symptoms is this separate to normal sick pay(is there any Covid code in place of sick). Ongoing maintainence of supplies for health and safety. #Respect4SNAs
If school times staggered will our contracts we changed? Our hours extended? Or will we just be obliged to do this? #Respect4SNAs
I have bad asthma, one of the triggers being spray disinfectants / bleach etc.
Will there be an option for me to work remotely? I have been working with children (SEN) remotely, since 12th March. I have been assigned to a child with complex needs #Respect4SNAs
Will SNAs be expected to disinfect classroom surfaces during the day? Will we be one cleaners now too? #Respect4SNAs
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