2. On the facebook page Old Stock Canadian, theyre lauding Hurren as a hero.
3. Calgary Yellow Vest Izidor Sarvari and friends are torn on whether it’s a false flag or Hurren is a hero. One asks if he has a GoFundMe.
4. Jay Riedel, Will E. Leeman and friends feel the same.
5. Will E. Leeman put out a video today claiming that “all of the events” are a result of “them” getting scared. Implies that school shootings are no longer a problem.
7. A few more “patriots.”
8. Rational stuff here, including the conspiracy theory that Trump now controls Canada due to a misinterpreted trade agreement.
9. These folks lament the lack of success.
10. @MackLamoureux recently reported that Hurren shared QAnon content.

So, it’s looking like that’s the perspective he was coming from. https://twitter.com/macklamoureux/status/1279079362982264835
11. Very normal stuff here.
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